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In Sweden, nicotine pouches have reduced smoking rates to 7% from an average of 23% in the European Union.


European Commission, “Special Eurobarometer 506: Attitudes of Europeans towards tobacco and electronic cigarettes,” February 2021

Key facts:

  • In order to better understand their opinions on tobacco and nicotine products, 28,288 Europeans were polled.
  • According to the study, Sweden has the lowest smoking rate in all of Europe, at just 7%. The UK and the Netherlands, both at 12%, were the next closest nations. 23% was the EU average.]
  • Additionally, smokers in Sweden use the fewest cigarettes (9.1) per day.
  • With one in five people admitting using nicotine pouches, the significant use of nicotine pouch substitutes can be blamed for the low smoking rates.
  • Sweden has a relatively high rate of quitting as well. Compared to the EU average of 22%, one-third of Swedes (33%) say they have successfully quit smoking.